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Chiropractic Magician

Of note: Dr. Woo is the founder of Chiropractic Concept of Bellevue, also known as ChiroConcept. She specializes in Knee Chest Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic Adjustments along with Thompson Drop, Activator and manual manipulations. In 2004, Dr. Woo began her chiropractic endeavor to help those seeking alternative healthcare for injury and chronic pain management. She has 200+ postgraduate hours in the Neurology of the Upper Cervical Complex in relation to the Central Nervous System and how they are integrated. After several years of working in California and Washington, she decided to pursue her dream by opening an office in Bellevue to serve those seeking alternative natural pain management. Dr. Woo is the only practicing Knee Chest Upper Cervical chiropractor in the Greater Seattle area. She is committed to providing patients with a better quality of life through neurological facilitation, without sacrificing quality of care. Her recognition and achievements include:

Life Chiropractic College West graduate – Honors Intern International chiropractic experience in Peru, El Salvador, and Argentina Contributed to launching 4 chiropractic clinics Lead researcher for Chiropractic Compliance & Retention and Heart Rate Variability with Upper Cervical Adjustments Certified in Activator Method Chiropractic Technique Certified in Erchonia Laser Therapy Certified in Kinesio Taping by RockTape

Why did you decide to become a chiropractor?

For years, I suffered from low back pain from many accidents. I was on pain medication for months until a friend dragged me to her Chiropractor. That was the first time I felt like someone was listening to my problems and gave me relief from all my pains instead of prescribing more drugs. From that experience, I was a believer in Chiropractic care. That same chiropractor once told me that I would make a great Chiropractor because of my initial disbelief. I decided that I wanted to follow his footstep and help those who were not getting their questions answered in finding the root problem to their symptoms instead of masking it with drugs. I chose Life Chiropractic College West in California because it resonated best with my personality, taught the most techniques, and several mentors said that was the best school to become a chiropractor! So, I did…I went…I learned…and now I AM! I am dedicated to helping as many people possible obtain and maintain optimal health through a drugless and holistic chiropractic approach. I am here to help you attain your health goals!

More Read My Full Chiropractic Story There’s no doubt about it, I was a Chiropractic skeptic growing up. I never believed in holistic care for the body, I believed in symptomatic care. There was a pill for every symptom I had: if I was in pain, I took Advil, if I had a fever, I took Tylenol, and if I have a runny rose I took Sudafed. For years I suffered from low back pain from many accidents. I was on pain medication for months until a friend dragged me to her Chiropractor. I literally crawled into the office on my hands and knees, and after 4 adjustments I walked and stood straight. That was the first time I felt like someone was listening to my problems and gave me relief from all my pains instead of prescribing more drugs. From that experience, I was a believer in Chiropractic care and cancelled my back surgery.

That same chiropractor once told me that I would make a great Chiropractor because of my initial disbelief. With very little convincing I decided that I wanted to follow his footstep and help those who were not getting their questions answered in finding the root problem to their symptoms instead of masking it with drugs.

One month after graduating from my MBA, I started my first class at Life Chiropractic College West in Hayward, California. I chose that school because it resonated best with my personality, taught the most techniques, and several mentors said that was the best school to become a chiropractor! So, I did…I went…I learned…and now I AM!

While at school, I attended seminars every weekend for two years soaking up information that was not taught in school. Many of the things I learned I have been able to implement and help patients including:

In learning neurology from the Carrick Institute I am able to understand the nervous system as a whole and help patients individually.

By implementing Laser technology, I have been able to see chronic pain suffers find relief.

After studying in a one year Upper Cervical program, after graduating from Chiropractic College, I have implemented a focus of providing upper cervical care. These types of adjustments allow me to address the root problem causing ailments to the body.

I was the lead research student for two studies while in school: Chiropractic Care Compliance & Retention and Heart Rate Variability with Upper Cervical Adjustments.

In my free time: I enjoy spending time with my husband, family, friends and working out at several workout studios in the Kirkland, Bellevue, Redmond area. I used to run (a lot), but now that age, arthritic bone/joints have caught up to me, I’ve adapted my exercise to what feels good for my body today. I’ve found hot yoga to be stresss relief and advantageous in keeping my body mobile during the cold winters. I’ve dabbled in snowboarding in the winter, and chasing sunshine on various beaches. One of my goals in life is to complete a triathlon!

I believe your body has the ability to heal itself by removing the nerve interference caused by spinal trauma, stress, and joint dysfunction.

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

With this in mind, I am dedicated to helping as many people possible obtain and maintain optimal health through a drugless and holistic chiropractic approach. I am here to help you attain your health goals, so LET’s GO!!!!

Of note: Dr. Woo is the founder of Chiropractic Concept of Bellevue, also known as ChiroConcept. ... Read More

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